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E-mail redirection
Very often we get inquiries about how to redirect e-mails from your student e-mail address to another private e-mail address. StudIT does not support this kind of forwarding, because it is technically not possible to redirect mails via Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) in a proper way. The problem is that when redirecting via OWA a copy of the redirected mail always remains in the inbox or trash of your student e-mail address. In doing so, your student mailbox fills up little by little until it has reached its maximum capacity of 500 MB. Mostly this happens unseen by the user. The problem appears only when the user is not able to receive mails to his private e-mail address anymore. As a consequence, this turns out as a serious problem since important mails were not able to be read, e. g. mails by lecturers or reminders of the library.
Consequently, our advise to you is to check your mails regulary on eCampus or set up an e-mail client like Thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail or Windows Live Mail. OWA supports the IMAP protocol so that all your mails remain on the mail server and that you can have access to them online and everywhere.
StudIT is not able to assume responsibility for the inconvenience caused by e-mail redirections.
mailbox full overcrowded mail mails delete inbox thunderbird outlook apple mail redirection redirect