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Software for students
Special conditions - Software for students
The following links refer to different offers of hardware and software manufacturers as well as to the Software Portal of Lower Saxony for Research and Education (“Software-Portal Niedersachsen für Forschung und Lehre”). It's worth taking a look…
Campus license Citavi
All members of Göttingen University are able to use the newest version of Citavi Pro on two computers (or a computer and a USB stick respectively) unrestrictedly and for free. For doing so, they only have to request an unlock key by entering their university e-mail address on Here we created a tutorial for you of how to use Citavi.
Additionally, the Göttingen State and University Library offers a seminar concerning “Introduction of how to use the administrative programme for literature Citavi” in German for free. This event gives an overview about the main features of the administrative programme for literature Citavi. Here you can find more information about the seminar.
Campus License Microsoft Office 365
Important for existing customers of studyhouse (users of an active license from If you are using a subscription license from studyhouse at the moment, we do recommend to switch to a license through the above mentioned way from May 1st on. Please make sure to save data from your OneDrive Cloud locally on your devices, so this data won’t be lost (for OneNote see below). Unfortunately, we were just recently told that active licenses will not be usable until their initial date but will stop working after 30th April 2021 (OneDrive in read only mode, so you will be able to save this data locally). This had been communicated to us differently. We strongly regret this and do apologize to you for any inconveniences that may occur through this.
Dear students,
the federal agreement with Microsoft (“Microsoft Campus Agreement”) will terminate on 30th April 2021 and will be replaced by a new agreement from 1st May 2021 on. We’d like to take the opportunity of this transition to further facillitate the use of Microsoft Office 365 for you during your studies.
Until now you could buy a one year license for Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus through our contractor Asknet/Nexway and their portal for 4,99€. After purchase you’ve received a microsoft account including a Microsoft Email-address and password, with which you could license those Microsoft apps on your devices. This account was and is seperate from your student account of Göttingen University and was administrated by our contractor. Misunderstandings, support issues and frustration were regularly causes of resentment toward this procedure.
The new framework agreement offers the opportunity to use the MS Office Apps with your student Email-address of Göttingen University, as you do with other applications here (eCampus, eduroam etc.). Starting from May 1, 2021, the license can be purchased via the customer portal of the GWDG (university computing centre). For a one-time payment of 9,99€ you can then use the MS Office apps until the end of your studies. (or the end of the framework agreement with Microsoft, 30th April 2024). A yearly renewal of the license will not be necessary anymore.
How to obtain Microsoft 365 with Office as part of the Campus Agreement via the GWDG customer portal:
- Login at the GWDG customer portal:
- In the account management (My Account) under External Services click on Edit
- Click Activate Microsoft 365 / Office
- Read data protection information + terms of use and agree to the displayed dialog if you agree
- After a maximum of 30 minutes you will receive a confirmation email with payment information as soon as the activation has taken place.
You then have 21 days to transfer the fee of € 9.99.
It can be used both locally (local software installation) and in the Microsoft cloud. After exmatriculation the license may no longer be used. The software is only available as a download for both Windows and macOS X. There are no physical disks. The license is activated using your student email address and the password, which you also use, for example, to log into the eCampus.
More information on activation and install process:
Manually back up your OneNote notebooks:
Mobile Apps Some apps that do not comply with current security standards are blocked by GWDG server policies. For example, the mobile Android and iOS email app Microsoft Outlook is also blocked. The access of mobile devices to the Exchange Server via ActiveSync using such apps is then not allowed. In such a case you will receive an error message, e.g. Your phone cannot be synchronized with the server via Exchange ActiveSync due to an access policy defined on the server.
Software Portal of Lower Saxony for Research and Education
Here you can buy for example Microsoft Office packages or Windows Operating Systems for students at cheaper prices than regular student or teacher licenses (SSL).
Link to software portal
Microsoft Products: MSDN Academic Alliance / Dreamspark
Students of economic sciences, computer science as well as physics and biology are allowed to obtain Microsoft products (operation systems, Office) free of charge under certain circumstances within the framework of “MSDN Academic Alliance”.
Apple on Campus
"Apple on Campus" offers mostly cheaper options for Apple Hardware for students and employees of the University, GWDG and the Max Planck Institutes. Precondition is a valid GWDG or student account that can be used for a separate Apple Store for Göttingen. Discounts are up to 12% for Apple computers.
Students can connect to eduroam or via VPN to recieve an IP address within the University. From within the GÖNET one will be forwarded to the AoC Store without further authentication.
PV Wave
All members of Göttingen University as well as the Max-Planck-Institutes for Dynamics and Self-Organization and Solar System Research are able to download the new version 9.5 of PV-WAVE for free within the framework of the campus license here.
IMPORTANT: You can also download the license file for the new licensing period at the Internet address above!
SAS Statistik
SAS is a complete solution package for statistical data analysis, which includes one- or multi-dimensional descriptive methods, different methods of testing and estimating as well as multivariate methods like variance analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and principal component analysis. Medical students are able to get a free license. Here you can find an instruction of how to install SAS.
Unfortunately, SPSS can not be obtained for free through a campus license. However, Studyhouse is offering a SPSS StudyPack:
Students of the Faculties of Economic and Social Sciences and psychology students can access SPSS through a terminal server by the Computing Center of the Faculties of Economic and Social Scienes and the Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology. Instructions for economic and social sciences can be found here. Instructions in German for psychology are here (Windows) and here (MacOS).
Campus license STATISTICA
All employees and students at Göttingen University have the possibility to use the software packet STATISTICA by the company StatSoft for professional duties or personal tasks within the framework of a financed campus license, which is a joint venture of several departments and the GWDG.
Downloading the software and ordering of the license key: Here you can download the software itself. This is only possible from computers with 134.76.*.* as IP address!
If you want to extend the license you will need a feature code. If you want to perform a new installation of the software you will need several license keys, that is to say CD key, installation key and serial number, which can be requested at Please type “STATISTICA-Lizenzen” as the subject of the message. After that the license keys are being sent immediately via e-mail.
During installation you need to provide an e-mail address which has to end on or! The authorisation for installation will be checked via an open Internet connection by the company StatSoft. The istallation will be terminated if you provide a different e-mail address without one of the endings stated above!
STATISTICA license server
Since January 2014, a central license server for the simultaneous use of max. 255 STATISTICA licenses is available. The server is maintained by the GWDG. It can be reached under the name and the IP address
In order to use the license server STATISTICA has to be reinstalled via this server. A network drive connection to\statistica 12 is required. It can only be accessed when your PC is in the university network or connected to it via VPN.
Help for setting up the VPN Client and an instruction for connetcing with a network drive can be found here. Enter “\statistica 12” into the field “Folder”. For the login, the username has to be preceeded by the domain: “ug-student\firstname.lastname”.
In this network drive, you will find the folder “Workstation Installer 32” which contains a file called “setup.exe” that has to be run to install the programm. When the installation is complete, STATISTICA can be used immediately.
Campus license MindManager
Since 1st June 2008 Göttingen University takes part in a rental model of the company Mindjet GmbH for public universities and colleges. Because of this the popular mind mapping software MindManager is available in all departments for all employees as well as for all students of Göttingen University.
You can download the software MindManager for both Windows and Apple Mac OS in English, German and French as a test version from this page:
If you want to use the software longer than for a free testing phase, you will need an unlock key. Students have to request their unlock keys on the following URL:
Thiemeonline and AMBOSS
Medical students can use the learning software Thieme Examen Online Vorklinik and AMBOSS. More information about this can be found on the University Medical Center pages (in German): Thiemeonline and Amboss. Help with setting up a VPN client can be found on our wiki pages.
Smartboard Software
Since Winter 2010 the lecture halls in the ZHG building and some seminar rooms at the central and north campus are equipped with interactive displays from the company SMART Technologies.
The license is available for all students and teaching staff members of Göttingen University. The E-Learning-Service can give introductions to the uses of the hard- and software in small groups on appointment. More information and download: (German)
software programs citavi microsoft office windows students office microsoft special conditions free-of-charge price sophos discount voucher virus anti statistica pv wave sas statistics mindmanager mind manager